March 10, 2025 (Monday)
A. Officers
1. |
Duty of Commander. Among the
duties of a Post Commander, he shall:
A. |
Preside at all meetings of
the Post, conducting such
meetings in accordance with
Article X of the By-Laws and
Manual of Procedure and
other applicable
parliamentary rules.
B. |
Enforce strict observance of
the laws and usages of this
organization, including
Post, County Council,
District and Department
By-Laws and the
Congressional Charter,
National By-Laws, Ritual and
Manual of Procedure, and all
lawful orders from proper
C. |
Insist that Post business
and activities be conducted
in such a manner that they
do not violate any
applicable governmental law,
ordinance or regulation nor
bring or tend to bring
opprobrium or embarrassment
upon the Post, its members
or the Veterans of Foreign
Wars of the United States.
D. |
Decide all questions of law
and usage in the Post,
subject to appeal pursuant
to the By-Laws.
E. |
Appoint officers, committee
chairmen and committees not
otherwise provided for.
He may remove such appointed
officers, committee chairmen
and committees at his
pleasure. He shall, by
virtue of his office, be a
member of all committees.
F. |
Approve all orders drawn
upon the Quartermaster for
the disbursement of money by
motion made and passed at a
meeting of the Post end
countersign all checks for
the disbursement of Post
G. |
Assure that the office of
Quartermaster is bonded
according to Section 703 of
the By-Laws.
H. |
Assure that all dues and
other monies due the
National headquarters and
Department are forwarded
promptly together with
accurate reports and returns
pertaining thereto.
I. |
Assure that all reports are
correctly prepared and
promptly forwarded, that all
the business of the Post is
handled with dispatch and
that alt necessary licenses
and permits are obtained for
proper operation.
J. |
Assure that eligible
veterans are encouraged to
join and maintain
K. |
Assure that he or his
representative attend all
properly called District
Conventions or meetings and
County Council meetings.
L. |
Comply with and perform all
of the duties required by
the laws and usages of this
organization, the provisions
of these By-Laws, the Ritual
and Manual of Procedure and
Department, District, County
Council or Post By-Laws
pertaining to the duties and
obligations of a Post
Commander and lawful orders
from proper authority and
perform such other duties as
are usually incident to the
office. Failure
without just cause to
perform these duties may
result in removal from
2. |
Duty of Senior Vice Commander.
The Post Senior Vice Commander shall assist
the Commander in preserving order, preside
in the absence of the Commander, provide
such advice or assistance as may be required
and perform such other duties as are usually
incident to such office or may from time to
time be required by the laws and usages of
the organization or lawful orders from
proper authority.
3. |
Duty of Junior Vice Commander.
The Post Junior Vice Commander shall assist
the Commander in preserving order, preside
in the absence of the Commander and Senior
Vice Commander, provide such advice or
assistance as may be required and perform
such other duties as are usually incident to
such office or may from time to time be
required of him by the laws and usages of
the organization or lawful orders from
proper authority.
4. |
Duty of Commander Pro Tempore.
In the event that neither the Commander,
Senior Vice Commander or Junior Vice
Commander is present, the Post shall elect a
Commander Pro Tempore to preside at the
meeting of the Post.
5. |
Duty of Quartermaster. Among
the duties of a Post Quartermaster, he
shall: |
A. |
Receive and hold all monies, securities,
vouchers, and other personal property of
the Post as may pertain to his office.
B. |
Pay out or expend monies only after the
Post has authorized payment by motion
made and passed at a meeting of the
Post. All checks for the
expenditures of Post funds shall be
numbered in sequence, the number of each
check to correspond with the voucher
authorizing the same, and in addition to
the signature of the Quartermaster,
shall be countersigned by the Post
C. |
Before entering upon his duties and for
the faithful performance thereof, he
shall qualify by good and sufficient
bond, in accordance with Section 703, in
a sum at least equal to the amount of
the liquid assets for which he may be
accountable, the cost of which shall be
paid from Post funds.
D. |
Collect all monies due the Post, giving
receipt therefore.
E. |
Keep an account with each member and
notify all members in arrears.
F. |
Collect the annual membership dues and
credit the dues fund with a sum equal to
the annual National, Department,
District and County Council dues.
G. |
At least once each month, transmit to
the Department Quartermaster the
Department and National dues payable
from the annual dues collected from each
member during the preceding month, such
payment to be accompanied by transmittal
forms provided by the National
Headquarters. The Quartermaster
will be responsible for prompt payment
of dues when due to the proper
H. |
Retrain from issuing official membership
dues receipts to new members until be
has received the required admission fee
and the required dues, unless the same
shall have been remitted by the Post.
He shall collect the admission fee and
dues prior to the election of the new
member and immediately thereafter will
credit one dollar ($1.00) to the
Department in which the Post is located,
the same to be forwarded to the
Department Quartermaster.
I. |
Maintain a dues reserve fund to which
shall be credited not less than one-half
of the Posts part of the current years
dues paid by each member prior to July
1, including Life Membership per capita
taxes received from the National
Organization on account of Life Members.
(This shall not apply to dues remitted
by the Post.) He shall not
disburse nor shall an obligation be
incurred against this fund until after
July 1, at which time it shall be
transferred to the Posts general fund
and be available for expenditures.
J. |
Expend any and all dues paid by the Post
on members whose dues have been remitted
from the general fund of the Post.
K. |
Maintain a relief fund, which shall be
credited with the net proceeds of all
sales of Buddy Poppies and such other
monies as may be solicited or donated
for veterans relief purposes.
Expenditures from the relief fund shall
only be made for the purposes outlined
in Section 704 of the Manual of
L. |
Maintain the books and records at all
times in a neat and efficient manner.
The books and records of the
Quartermaster shall be uniform and shall
be those prescribed by National
Headquarters; provided, however, that
computer record keeping systems may be
used, so long as the records contain the
same data as required on forms
prescribed by National Headquarters.
Books and records shall be available for
inspection by authorized officers at all
reasonable times. Unless
authorized by the Post to remove such
books and records from its facilities,
all such books and records shall be kept
at the Post facilities.
M. |
Deliver to his successor in office or to
anyone designated by the Post or higher
authority, all books, records, vouchers,
monies, securities and other property of
the Post in his possession or under his
N. |
Serve as Treasurer of all Post
committees handling funds.
O. |
Comply with, and perform all duties
required of him by the laws and usages
of this organization, applicable By-Laws
and order's from lawful authority and
perform such other duties as are usually
incident to such office.
6. |
Duty of Adjutant. Among the duties of
the Post Adjutant, he shall:
A. |
Under the direction of the
Commander, prepare all
reports and returns required
of him.
B. |
Attest by his signature and
the seal of the Post all
official actions of the
C. |
Keep in books or files
properly prepared the
1. |
Current By-Laws, Ritual and
Manual of Procedure of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars of
the United States and copies
of the By-Laws of the Post,
Department, District and
County Council.
2. |
In a proper file, the
original application of
every member admitted to the
3. |
A record of all the
proceedings of each meeting
of the Post after the same
shall have been corrected
and approved.
4. |
An order file in which shall
be kept all orders or
circulars issued by the
Commander-in-Chief, the
National Council of
Administration, the
Department Commander, the
District and/or County
Council Commander or the
Post Commander.
5. |
A letter or correspondence
6. |
A file containing a copy of
the proof of eligibility
submitted by officers
pursuant to Section 216(c).
7. |
A roll of departed comrades.
D. |
Transfer to his successor,
without delay, all books,
papers, records, monies and
other records and property
of the Post in his
possession or under his
E. |
Comply with and perform all
duties required of him by
the laws and usages of this
organization, applicable
By-Laws and orders from
lawful authority and perform
such other duties as are
usually incident to such
F. |
Unless authorized by the
Post to remove books and
records under his control
from its facilities, all
such books and records shall
be kept at the Post
7. |
Duty of Chaplain. The Post
Chaplain shall be chairman of the Visiting
Committee of the Post. He shall, with
the assistance of such other members as may
be appointed by the Commander, visit the
sick and disabled members of the Post and
make a report to the Post concerning same.
He shall perform such other duties as are
usually incident to the office or as may
from time to time be required of him by the
laws and usages of this organization or
lawful orders from proper authority.
8. |
Duty of Judge Advocate. The
Post Judge Advocate shall give the Post
Commander such legal assistance, incident to
his office, as he may request, and perform
such other duties as may be usually incident
to the office or as may from time to time be
required of him by the laws and usages of
this organization or lawful orders from
proper authority.
9. |
Duty of Surgeon. The Post
Surgeon shall be the chairman of the Health
Committee and, with the assistance of such
others as may be appointed by the Commander,
he shall promote and put into effect health
programs for the benefit of his Post and the
community. He shall perform such other
duties as are usually incident to the office
or as may from time to time be required of
him by the laws and usages of this
organization or lawful orders from proper
10. |
Duty of the Officer of the Day.
Among the duties of the Officer of the Day,
he shall:
A. |
Be the custodian of the Post colors,
altar flag, Bible, ballot box, gavel and
such other Post properly as is incident
to a Post meeting.
B. |
At the beginning of every meeting, cause
the official membership dues receipt
card or life membership card of every
member present to be inspected. He
shall instruct comrades who may not have
paid dues for the current calendar year
and, as a result, do not possess an
official membership receipt card, to
immediately pay the required dues to the
Quartermaster. In the event the
member does not have an official dues
card receipt or life membership card in
his possession, but claims that his dues
are paid, or were remitted, the Officer
of the Day will ascertain the membership
status of the comrade from the Post
Quartermaster. Unless dues have
been property remitted in accordance
with the By-Laws or Manual of Procedure,
delinquent members will immediately pay
dues to the end of the current calendar
year or leave the meeting room.
The Officer of the Day must not permit a
member whose dues have not been paid or
remitted to the end of the current
calendar year to remain at a Post
C. |
Prior to a meeting, have the Post colors
in position to be properly presented,
the altar properly decorated with flag
and Bible and all officers? stations in
proper position and in order. He
shall, with the assistance of the Color
Bearers, present and retire the National
Flag and Post Colors and properly
present and introduce distinguished
D. |
At the close of the meeting, assure that
all Post properly under his control is
properly and safely taken care of.
E. |
At the direction of the Post Commander,
prepare the ballots, permit only those
to cast their ballots who are qualified
and observe that the balloting is done
in a secret and proper manner.
F. |
To the best of his ability, carry out
the orders of the Commander and the Post
and perform such other duties as may be
usually incident to the office or may
from time to time be required of him by
the laws and usages of the organization
or lawful orders from proper authority.
11. |
Duty of Trustees. Among the
duties of the three (3) elected Post
Trustees, they shall:
A. |
Not later than the end of the month
following the last day of each quarterly
period, properly audit the books and
records of the Post Quartermaster, Post
Adjutant, and any activity, clubroom,
holding company or unit sponsored,
conducted or operated by, for or on
behalf of the Post, and submit a
detailed statement of such audits to the
B. |
Quarterly, through the Post Commander,
submit a Post Trustees Report of Audit
to the Department Quartermaster for
referral to the Department Inspector.
The Report shall be in accordance with
and upon such form as may be prescribed
by the Adjutant General. The audit
shall be signed by the Post Commander
and Trustees, who shall, by their
signatures, certify to the accuracy of
the information contained therein.
Trustees of Posts not under the
jurisdiction of a Department shall
submit the Report of Audit to the
Adjutant General.
D. |
Verify all expenditures of the Post and
certify by their signature as to the
correctness of each expenditure voucher.
E. |
Audit the records and accounts of all
committees, officers and members having
to do with the receipt and expenditure
of Post funds. Trustees shall not
be eligible to serve on committees or as
officers whose books, records and
accounts are audited by the Trustees.
F. |
Perform such other duties as may be
usually incident to the office or may
from time to time be required by the
laws and usages of the organization or
lawful orders from proper authority.
12. |
Duty of Guard. Among the duties of
the Post Guard, he shall:
A. |
Allow no one to enter the Post meeting
room who does not possess a dues receipt
card for the current calendar year or a
life membership card, should the person
requesting admittance state that his
dues were paid but that he does not have
the official receipt card or life
membership card in his possession. then
the Guard shall inform the Commander who
shall ascertain from the Quartermaster
whether the person seeking admittance
has paid dues for the current calendar
year and, if so, the member shall be
admitted, provided he is otherwise in
good standing.
B. |
Notify the Officer of the Day of the
presence of all distinguished guests who
may be awaiting admittance.
C. |
Perform such other duties as may be
usually incident to the office or may
from time to time be required of him by
the laws and usages of this organization
or lawful orders from proper authority.
13. |
Duty of Service Officer. The Post
Service Officer shall assist members of the
Post, their widows and orphans and other
worthy cases brought to their attention in
obtaining rightful benefits from the federal
and state governments, in the preparation of
the proper forms for applying for such
benefits and in assembling evidence required
in connection therewith. The work of a
Service Officer shall be performed in
accordance with the instructions contained
in the VFW Guide for Post Service Officers
under the general supervision of the
Department Service Officer. He shall
perform such other duties as may be usually
incident to the office or as may from time
to time be required of him by the laws and
usages of this organization or lawful orders
from proper authority.
14. |
Duty of Assistant Adjutant. The
Assistant Adjutant shall assist the Adjutant
in his duties as requested.
15. |
Duty of Assistant Quartermaster.
The Assistant Quartermaster shall assist the
Quartermaster in his duties as requested.