VFW Post 12024 The Woodlands would like to have you
as a member of our Post. We are a busy Post
that enjoys helping our Veterans and doing Community
Service and are constantly looking for New Members
to join us.
You can access the Post Membership Application
online and print it and bring it to a Post Meeting
that occurs on the first Thursday of each month.
You can access this form here:
VFW Post 12024 Membership Application
The procedures to become a member of the Post is for
current members of the Post to vote you in as a
member at a Post Meeting. This is standard
procedure at all VFW Post.
You can go online to VFW.org and sign up as a new
member, however you will still need to
fill out a VFW Post 12024 Membership Application to
help us Verify your Eligibility.
If going online to the VFW.org site to sign up,
please note that membership fee is 35.00 annually
compared to the price of 26.00 annually at the VFW
Post 12024 on the VFW Post 12024 Membership
Application. Once the form is brought to the
post and voted in, the Post Adjutant will register
your information into the VFW Member Database.
You can also become a Life member, eliminating the
yearly hassle of paying. This is covered on
the VFW Post 12024 Application. Your current
age is a factor for what the Life Membership amount
would be.
There is also the Legacy membership, you have to be
a Life Member to be able to have this type of
membership, you can see the benefits of this by
going to the Legacy page on this site,
click here.
