All new members are urged to familiarize
themselves with the National Bylaws and Ritual,
along with local Post By-Laws that may be
different than the National By-Laws.
Each member is expected to respond to any call
for relief or assistance of any member of the
Auxiliary or any member of the Post who may be
in need.
One rap of the gavel means stand or sit at
ATTENTION (straight like a one), two raps means
RISE (on your two feet). And three raps means BE
SEATED (make a three point landing).
As roll call is taken, each officer should rise
as his or her name is called and remain standing
until the roll is complete. Then the President
gives 2 raps of the gavel to seat the officers.
During a meeting, you will always rise and
receive recognition before speaking, should you
wish to address the President, or take part in
any debate.
You are not to pass between the Altar and the
President, except as the Ritual directs.
When salute is used, Heart Salute shall be used
at all times. Members salute the flag by placing
the palm of the right hand flat over the heart
when the flag passes.
When the flag is displayed, and the National
Anthem is played and / or sung, all present
should face the flag and salute.
PARADE REST: This is a Military Parade Rest,
where the left foot is moved to the side while
bringing the arms to the small of the back.
Clasp the left thumb in the right hand. The head
is bowed slightly during prayer.
(Emphasis is given to the words in capital
letters) I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE to the flag of the
United States of America and to the REPUBLIC for
which it stands, (pause) one nation under GOD
(pause), INDIVISIBLE (pause) with LIBERTY and
No smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages
during an Auxiliary meeting.
Membership dues should be paid no later than
December 31st of each year in order to not
jeopardize your possible need for a Cancer Grant
or Cancer Insurance. However, in our
Auxiliary, we encourage all members to pay their
dues early, so that we can take them to the
State Convention in June, and participate in the
Parade of Transmittals, where Auxiliaries
transmit their first dues for the new fiscal
The Auxiliary VFW has an official
uniform. It is a skirt, blouse, jacket, and hat
made of royal blue. There is a removable pocket
emblem, which can be worn on the jacket pocket
or the blouse pocket. Slacks are also available
in the same fabric and two different types of
scarves are available with the Auxiliary emblem.
Uniforms are orderable directly from the
manufacturer, using the provided order forms,
except for the scarves, which is available from
the National Auxiliary Supply Department.
Uniforms can also be ordered from the
manufacturer through the National
Auxiliary VFW website at:
Some Auxiliaries have chosen to mix portions of
the uniform, with different accessories. For
example, the Auxiliary slacks. With the
blouse, and a red, white, and blue vest. Or they
wear the Auxiliary skirt with the white blouse,
and the Auxiliary scarf. Other combinations are
also used.
Members are not required to purchase or wear
this uniform. When members purchase the
uniform, there are a limited number of times and
places were it is used. Here are some
rules about wearing the uniform:
At Department and National Conventions – it is
required if you are on the “floor team” or a
line officer. Others are encouraged to wear if
it is desired.
When the National President visits, and she is
brought through the “Aisle of Honor”, all
members of the Aisle of Honor must be in
Any time you represent the Auxiliary in the
community, it is appropriate to wear, but not
Uniform hats should only be worn for outside
Local Chapter By-Laws may dictate differently
than above. At the posting of this
information, was in contact with Post President
for information.