Air Force - Android App - Are you in
the US Air Force? If so, this is the
app for you. The Air Force app is
the latest and greatest way to stay
on top of everything happening in
the United States Air Force. With
the Air Force app, you can read the
top stories, listen to Air Force
radio, and even browse through the
USAF current aircraft with great
detail including each aircraft's
mission, features, background and
Includes a PT Calculator so you can
calculate PT scores to help in
getting you prepared for your next
PT test. There are also training
plans to help you get in shape for
the test.
Now you can send links to the news
articles and radio broadcasts via
SMS, Email, Twitter and Facebook!
Air Force Creeds - Android App - Air
Force Song, Airmen Creed, NCO Creed,
DI Creed, Security Force Creed, Core
Values, First Sgt Creed, Medic Creed
Air Force Fundamentals - Android App
- Official Air Force Education and
Training Command - This app has
information all current or future
active duty Airmen can use. The
focus is on physical training.
Videos show you the proper form for
push-ups, sit-ups, running, and
pull-ups. There's also information
to help you with pre and post
If you are preparing for Basic
Military Training, this app is a
MUST for you! Visit the "Get In
Shape" web page from the official
BMT website. Learn the Airman Creed
and USAF song. Make your life easier
by learning the USAF Core values,
rank structure, and wear of the
uniform BEFORE you arrive! Master
the Insignia Challenge game for
instant rank recognition.
Let this app be your conduit to a
"fundamentally" great USAF career.
Air Force Military History - Android
App - Impress people with Air Force
and military History. Excellent
resource for PME! Air Force History
will enhance your knowledge of
events and people since the
beginning of the United States Air
Force. You will get a new historical
insight every day. Impress your boss
with your vast knowledge of Air
Force and military History. This is
an excellent resource for PME! Can
you stump your instructor! Your
feedback is welcome, so don't forget
to rate this APP!
Air Force News - Android App - Rss
feeds for United States Air Force.
Air Force Military News and
information is available through RSS
feeds, which use a technology called
XML to deliver headlines and
summaries to your desktop or Web
browser. RSS feeds, like podcasts,
when used in conjunction with an RSS
Reader, will automatically update
with the latest content at set
Arlington National Cemetery Grave
Locator - Android App - The
Arlington National Cemetery Grave
Locator app was developed to assist
visitors in finding the burial
location of friends, family, and
loved ones. This information is
provided by the United States
Department of Veterans Affairs.
Army Alarm - Android App - Bugle calls include: First Call, Reveille, Assembly, Mess Call, Sick Call, Drill Call, First Sergeant's Call, Officer's Call, Recall, Mail Call, Guard Mounting, Adjutant's Call, Retreat, To The Color, Tattoo, Call To Quarters, Taps, and Last Post.Great for members of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Set the alarms to sync with the bugle calls at your base.
Also great for those preparing for the Service, Basic Training, ROTC, OTS, and Veterans who simply miss it.
Army Board Study Guide - Android App
- Quiz yourself with prep-questions
for the Army Soldier and NCO Boards
and SGT / SSG Promotion Boards. A
portable study guide for U.S. Army
promotion boards.
A portable study guide for U.S. Army
soldier, NCO, promotion or any type
of board.
Army Field Manuals - Android App -
Published by the United States
Army's Army Publishing Directorate.
As of 27 July 2007, some 542 field
manuals were in use. They contain
detailed information and how-to's
for procedures important to soldiers
serving in the field. With 23
Chapters and a full set of
Appendices, and photos and diagrams
galore, you will find this an
invaluable app for your continuing
Army Education.
Army mCare Telemedicine App -
Android App - This is the Tele-TBI
care application published by TATRC
for returning Wounded Warriors.
Army PFT - Android App - Calculate
your PFT & BCA Scores
Army Physical Fitness Manual -
Android App - Official U.S. Army
Physical Fitness Manual. On 5 July
1950, U.S. troops, who were
unprepared for the physical demands
of war, were sent to battle. The
early days of the Korean war were
nothing short of disastrous, as U.S.
soldiers were routed by a poorly
equipped, but well-trained, North
Korean People’s Army. As American
soldiers withdrew, they left behind
wounded comrades and valuable
equipment their training had not
adequately prepared them to carry
heavy loads.
The costly lessons learned by Task
Force Smith in Korea are as
important today as ever. If we fail
to prepare our soldiers for their
physically demanding wartime tasks,
we are guilty of paying lip service
to the principle of “Train as you
fight.” Our physical training
programs must do more for our
soldiers than just get them ready
for the semiannual Army Physical
Fitness Test (APFT’).
Army Rifle Marksmanship - Android
App - Put the entire U.S. ARMY RIFLE
and M4 CARBINE manual on your phone.
Army Rights Warning Card - Android
App - GTA 19-6-6, Rights Warning
Card, now a handy app for US Army
Leaders & Soldiers. This application
is the modern digital incarnation of
the United States Army Graphic
Training Aid 19-6-6, "How to Inform
Suspect/Accused Persons of their
In the past, leaders and Soldiers of
all ranks have carried this card in
their wallets or leader's books.
Now, as an app, it serves the same
Army ROTC Cadet Handbook - Android
App - The US Army ROTC app is for
current cadets & anyone interested
in the cadet life. The U.S. Army
ROTC app is for those who are
looking to join the program, current
cadets, and anyone who is interested
in cadet life. For those looking to
join the program, this app contains
enrollment information as well as
scholarship information.
Army Sniper Training Manual -
Android App - Put the entire U.S.
Army Sniper Training Manual on your
phone, without ads. Can move to the
sd card for android 2.2 and up.
Based on the U.S Army Sniper
Training Manual FM 23-10
Army Soldier's Blue Book - Android
App - This Soldier's Blue Book is
the Army guide for Initial Entry
Training Soldiers! The Soldier's
Blue Book dates back to General
Washington tasking Baron von Steuben
with transforming the men at Valley
Forge into a disciplined fighting
Army Survival Guide - Android App -
Put the entire U.S. Army survival
guide on your phone, offline. Can
install on sd card(2.2+). Based on
the U.S. Army Survival Manual FM
keywords: hiking backpacking biking
camping hunting skiing snowmobiling
running outdoors poisonous snakes
insects edible plants animals find
water shelter survive travel desert
mountains wilderness survivor knots
marine corps navy usmc air force
U.S. Coast Guard Creed - Android App
- Simple, fast app. Perfect for
memorizing this creed. U.S.
Coast Guard, Guardsman's Creed. Very
simple, fast app perfect for
memorizing this creed.
Coast Guard Coasties - Android App -
Application designed for family,
friends and members of the USCG.
Coast Guard Fitness Calc - Android
App - Application to determine
compliance with US Coast Guard Body
Fat and Fitness Standards.
- Determine if current weight is
within the maximum allowable weight
standard per ALCOAST 512/09
- Determine if estimated body fat
percentage is within standards per
- Boat crew fitness standards per
Coast Guard USC T.14 - Android App -
For lawyers, civil servants,
officials, students, dissidents and
any citizen who wants to know the
Everything you need to pass the
ASVAB exam or improve your score –
in an App!
Currently, the only App of its kind
in the store! Do not take the ASVAB
test without practicing. The
ASVAB (short for Armed Services
Vocational Aptitude Battery) is
unlike any test you’ve ever taken.
Join The Marines - Android App -
Join the proud fighting men and
women of the United States of
America! Join the Marines has
everything you need to start your
new life as a marine.
Features all kinds of guides for
bootcamp, joining, asvab studies,
and more!
A short list:
- Video section
- Built in photo gallery
- Guides for asvab, bootcamp and
- Benefits, steps, and requirements.
- Comments, branches, search, and
Marine Corps Cadence - Android App -
Horse Marine, I Am, Up In The Mornin',
Marine Colors, Chesty Puller,
1,2,3,4 USMC Taps, Reveille
Marine Corps Close Combat - Android
App - Put the entire U.S. Marine
Corps Close Combat Training Manual
on your phone. Can move to the sd
card for android 2.2 and up. Based
on the U.S.Marine Corps Close Combat
Training Manual MCRP 3-02B
Marine Corps Creeds - Android App
Marines Hymn (and song by Presidents
My Rifle
NCO Creed
SNCO Creed
Drill Instructor Creed
11 Leadership Traits
Leadership Principles
11 General Orders
Marine Corps News - Android App -
Read US Marine Corps news on your
phone. Updated daily. Get US Marine
Corps news and articles on your
phone anywhere. Updated Daily.
Marine Corps PFT - Android App -
Calculate your PFT / CFT / BCA
Marine Corps Summer Survival Manual
- Android App - Requirements For
Survival, Survival Kit, Water
Procurement, Expedient Shelters &
Fires, Core Values & Mountain
Leadership Challenges, and other
Survival training for Summer.
Marine Corps Winter Survival Manual
- Android App - Requirements For
Survival, Survival Kit, Water
Procurement, Expedient Shelters &
Fires, Core Values & Mountain
Leadership Challenges, and other
Survival training for Winter.
Military Airfare US - Android App -
Military airfare, Military Travel
reservations right from your mobile
Military Travel, and Military
Airfare app. Discounted airfare for
military personnel right from your
mobile device. This app allows
completed access to
MilitaryAirfare.us where military
personnel can check fares, make
reservations or contact a
representative 24/7. This app is
free and provided by
MilitaryAirfare.us. Visit us on your
computer too! Safe travels. Military
ID may be required.
Military eBooks - Android App - This
application will bring you directly
to one of the biggest free online
library in the world.
Featured Bookyards Free Military
eBooks Categories:
1. Gulf war ebooks
2. History of war ebooks
3. Military education, training
4. Small wars, strategic studies
5. World War 1 ebooks
6. World War 2 ebooks
Military First Aid - Android App -
Learn the current First Aid
techniques of United States Military
Forces! This is the current First
Aid Manual as used by members of the
United States Army, Navy, Air Force
and Marine Corps, in an easy-to-read
page flipping app that simulates a
conventional book.
Military News - Android App -
Veterans News Armed Services news
feeds at your fingertips. Browse for
all military news or break it down
to your own specific branch.
Military Pay - Android App - This
application is to calculate pay for
US military members.
- Base Pay:
+ Calculates base pay based on 1)
Years in the Service 2) Pay Grade.
+ For reservists, it calculates the
estimated monthly base pay based on
4 drills per month being completed.
- Incentive/Special Pays Included:
+ Hostile Fire Pay
+ Aviation Career Incentive Pay
+ Career Enlisted Flyer Incentive
+ Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay
(Flying) [AWACS not included at this
+ Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay
(Other Than Flight)
+ Diving Incentive Pay
+ Career Sea Pay
+ Submarine Duty Incentive Pay
- Allowances:
+ Basic Allowance for Subsistence
+ Family Separation Allowance
+ Basic Allowance for Housing
+ Personal Money Allowance
- User can email the results to save
this information for later use
[Incentive pays not included at this
Military Ribbons - Android App - The
only complete list of all U.S. Armed
Forces ribbons on the Android
Market! A list of all the ribbons
awarded to members of the United
States Armed Forces, including
photos of each ribbon. This app was
created by a veteran of the United
States Army and was originally
uploaded on Veterans Day, 2010. If
you enjoy this, please download the
ad-free paid version.
Military Quotes - Android Apps
Navy Advance - Android App - A
application designed to provide
sailors with the tools to assist
them in their Naval career. The
application includes a section for
section for imputing NOTES within
the application. The testing portion
of the application includes chapter
summaries, chapter questions and
Navy BMR ProMilitaris - Android App
- Study for your Navy advancement
exam with ProMilitaris. No
matter what paygrade you are testing
for, the Navy Basic Military
Requirements (BMR NAVEDTRA 14325)
course is a key source of
information for success in the
Professional Military Knowledge (PMK)
portion of your Navy-wide
Advancement Exam (NWAE).
Navy Boot Camp - Android App - A
FREE resource for those that are
interested in the U.S. Navy.
Navy Creeds - Android App -
Miscellaneous Creeds for the Navy
Sailor's Creed
Petty Officer Creed
Chief Petty Officer Creed
Corpsman's Creed
Anchors Aweigh (with song)
General Orders of a Sentry
Master at Arms Creed
Aircrewman Creed
Anchors Aweigh Ringtone
Navy Decoder - Android App - This
app is a quick reference guide to
many US Navy personnel and other
codes. Instead of spending the time
to find the correct reference and
look up the information, this app
will allow one to quickly get to the
answer. The main focus currently is
on personnel related codes that will
be found in manning documents such
as RUADs and AMDs.
Navy Decompression Tables - Android
App - This app contains the US Navy
Air Decompression Tables for
Decompression SCUBA Diving with
improved visibility. This version is
ad supported. For an ad-free version
check out US Navy Decompression
Tables Pro. SCUBA tables are for Air
and contain tables from 30 feet to
300 feet as provided in Revision 6
of the US Navy Diving Manual. SCUBA
Diving is a potentially dangerous
activity and should only be
performed in accordance with your
SCUBA Diving skill level, training
and health. Decompression SCUBA
Diving should only be performed by
those that are properly trained and
experienced to do so.
Navy Everything - Android App - A
quick mobile guide book to
everything you need to know about
the US Navy. Contains most of the
general knowledge that US Navy
personnel must know along with a
quick fact sheet about some of the
ships and planes in the Navy's
Navy Federal Credit Union - Android
App - Experience money management at
full force with the Navy Federal
mobile app. Be up on the latest
rates, the nearest branch, or your
account balance.
Feel the power of seamless account
management. Experience its other
great features too.
• Check account balances, view
recent transactions and transfer
money between accounts
• At-a-glance access to the rate of
your choice
• Find the nearest Navy Federal
branches or free ATMs worldwide
• Calculate auto loan payments,
mortgage payments or even the tip
when splitting the bill in an
• Check currency exchange rates
around the globe
• Safe, secure and fast
Navy IA - US Navy Fleet Forces
Command - Android App - The latest
information and resources for US
Navy Individual Augmentee (IA)
sailors, families, commands, and
civilian employers. Covers the
entire IA Process, from NMPS and
INCONUS training to Boots on Ground
to returning home. An extensive
collection of links to IA related
information on the internet is also
Navy News - Android App - Read US
Navy News on your phone anytime,
anywhere. Daily updates. Get US Navy
news and articles on your phone
anywhere. Updated Daily.
Navy PFA - Android App - Calculate
your PFT / CFT / BCA Scores
Navy Seals Fitness Guide - Android
App - The Navy SEAL Physical Fitness
Guide has been prepared for the SEAL
community with several goals in
mind. Our objective is to provide
you, the operator, with information.
Navy Seals Handbook - Android App -
This app is a Glossary of terms,
lingo, definitions, and acronyms
used by the seals every day at home
and in combat. If you are a teacher,
a military buff, thinking of joining
up, or just want to know more about
how our military works, this
application puts a huge amount of
information in your hands.
Navy Seal Physical Fitness - Android
App - Official U.S. Navy Seal
Physical Fitness Guide. This is the
official U.S. Navy Seal Physical
Fitness Guide. 300 pages long.
This is the Guide to have on your
phone if you want to be as tough as
a Navy Seal. This Guide has been
prepared for the Seal community with
several goals in mind. Promote long
term cardiovascular health. Prevent
injury and accelerate return to
duty. Maintain physical readiness at
all times. Enhance physical ability
to perform special operations at any

PTSD Coach - Android App - Can help you learn
about and manage symptoms that
commonly occur after trauma. |

PTSD Support -
Android App - The
Hope for One PTSD app is focused on
providing support to military
veterans and their families that are
struggling with the effects of post
traumatic stress disorder. We deeply
appreciate the sacrifices that our
servicemen and women make for our
country. |
Texas Music Throwdown - Android App
- The Texas Music Throwdown is a
benefit concert held in honor of our
wounded military veterans. 100% of
the concert proceeds will be donated
to Heroes On The Water (HOW).
Event Date: October 1, 2011
Event Location: Town Green Park, The
Woodlands, TX
With This App:
1. Locate the Event using Google
2. View Concert Line Up
3. Learn More Information about
Heroes on the water.
4. View Participating
5. Stay Up-To-Date with the latest
News and Happenings.
United States History - Android App
- All of the proceeds from this
application will go to the Wounded
Warrior Project to help our brave
men and women of the military. So,
please click those ads! :). It only
takes a second. There is also a
paid, ad free version of this app.
United States Military News -
Android App - Browse your favorite
military department with multiple
news feeds updated daily! Display
news for five US Military
departments with no advertisement.
Long press to:
★ Share an article
★ Save an article to read later
★ Mark an article so you know its
been read
★ Display all info relative to the
★ Read an article
Army -
✔ Google News
✔ Army Times
✔ US Army Youtube
✔ Army Live
✔ Twitter - USARMY
Navy -
✔ Google News
✔ Navy.Mil
✔ Navy Times
✔ US Navy Youtube
✔ Navy Live
✔ Twitter - UsNavy
Air Force -
✔ Google News
✔ AF.Mil
✔ Air Force Times
✔ US Air Force Blue Tube
✔ US Air Force Live
✔ Twitter - USAirForce
Marines -
✔ Google News
✔ Marines.Mil
✔ Marine Times
✔ Marines TV - Youtube
✔ Marines Blog
✔ Twitter - USMC
Department Of Defense -
✔ Google News
✔ US Dept. Of Defence
✔ Military Times
✔ DODvClips - Youtube
✔ DOD Live
✔ Twitter - DeptOfDefence
US Coast Guard -
✔ Google News
✔ Coast Guard Compass
✔ US Coast Guard Official
✔ USCGImagery - Youtube
✔ Twitter - USCG
Veteran News - Android App contains
rss feeds regarding Veteran news,
benefits and legislative changes
that affect Veterans around the
Veteran Scholarship Finder - Android
App - Find Scholarships for
veterans, spouses of veterans, and
their dependents.
While military benefits provide some
higher education assistance to
veterans and their families, there
are still many opportunities for
additional education benefits though
grants and scholarships. This app
lists grants and scholarships for
veterans, spouses of veterans, and
dependents of veterans.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund -
Android App - Search the Memorial
Wall, post a remembrance, make a
donation, connect and share this app
with others who remember...
Established in 1979, the Vietnam
Veterans Memorial Fund is dedicated
to preserving the legacy of the
Vietnam Veterans Memorial in
Washington, D.C., promoting healing
and educating about the impact of
the Vietnam War. Authorized by
Congress, its most recent initiative
is building the Education Center at
The Wall, an underground facility
near the Memorial that will help
visitors discover the stories of
those named on The Wall and
celebrate the values embodied by all
service members who served in all of
America’s wars. Other Memorial Fund
initiatives include educational
programs for students and teachers,
a traveling Wall replica that honors
our nation's veterans and six events
held each year at The Wall to honor
and remember those we lost during
the Vietnam War.
Voice of Warriors - Android App -
Our mission is to help military
veterans and their families flourish
in communities where they reside. |