to VFW Post 12024 and Auxiliary in The Woodlands, Texas. VFW
Post 12024 is a place where Veterans
and their families and friends can
go and be welcomed in a friendly and
patriotic atmosphere. The meetings
are hosted at The Woodlands South
County Community Center on Lake
Robbins Road on the first Thursday
of the month, starting at 7 p.m.
Three Letters Can Say So Much
We invite you to explore this
website to learn more about our
organization. We believe you will
find the site easy to navigate, with
most of what members and non-members
alike only a click or two away.
Every page has a convenient menu bar
that makes finding your way around
very simple.
tradition of serving veterans,
military families and their local
communities. We are here to serve
all Veterans, regardless of where or
when you served in the United States
military. If you are wanting to join
the VFW, please check the VFW
Eligibility link to see if you
qualify with combat or hazardous
duty. If you are eligible, we invite
you to join the VFW and VFW Post
Women Veterans with
combat or hazardous duty can join
the VFW and or the Auxiliary.
Women that are Non Veterans can
check the Auxiliary
Eligibility link for requirements.
If eligible, Post 12024 would
welcome you.
The Mission of the Veterans Of Foreign Wars are:
The purpose of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the
United States is to preserve and support the
patriotic and historical interests of our country,
our communities and our veterans; to strengthen the
common bonds of the men and women who have served
and who are currently serving in our military; to
assist them and their families to enhance their
quality of life; to maintain true allegiance to the
Constitution and laws of the United States of
America and defend her from all enemies, whomsoever.
It's not the price you pay to belong. It's the
price you paid to be eligible.
The VFW Motto
Honoring the dead by helping the living.


October 2023
5th -
Meeting will be in person at
South County
Community Center 2235 Lake
Robbins Drive, The Woodlands, TX
77380 @ 7PM
November 2023
2nd -
Meeting will be in person at
South County
Community Center 2235 Lake
Robbins Drive, The Woodlands, TX
77380 @ 7PM
December 2023
2nd - District Meeting, Navasota VFW
Post 4006, 1575 W Washington Ave,
Navasota, TX 77868
7th -
Meeting will be in person at
South County
Community Center 2235 Lake
Robbins Drive, The Woodlands, TX
77380 @ 7PM
Save The Date
2024 Mid-Winter Conference
January 16-24, 2024 Omni Corpus
Christi Hotel 900 North Shoreline
Blvd. Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Meeting Location
South County Community Center
2235 Lake Robbins Drive
The Woodlands, TX 77380
USPS Mailing Address
The Woodlands VFW Post 12024
P.O. Box 8341
The Woodlands, TX 77387-8341
USP/FedEx Address
The Woodlands VFW Post 12024
37 Hickory Oak Drive
The Woodlands, TX 77381
Mailing Address
The Woodlands VFW Unit 12024
P.O. Box 7422
The Woodlands, TX 77387